
尼坤与李昕岳合照引粉丝热议 期待下一次的见面

http://www.yule.com.cn 2014-09-03 08:31:49   来源:中国娱乐网   

  中国娱乐网讯 昨日晚间,李昕岳晒出了与2PM尼坤的合照,合照中俊男靓女很养眼,而且不乏搞笑的照片。李昕岳用英文说道:“祝贺你!我还记得我们相遇的时候你的真诚微笑。你总是谦虚和友善。我们的友谊是永恒不变!你会被我们所有人想念~希望我们下次能合作,我诚挚的祝福你。(Congratulations!I still can remember the moment when we met with Your have sincere smile .You are always modesty and kindness.Our friendship will be everlasting and unchanging!You shall be sorely misses by all of us~hope we can cooperate next time.Take my best wishes)”

  随后尼坤便转发了微博回应:“我也很享受和你在一起的工作,照顾好自己,会想你的,期待下一次见面(I really enjoyed working with you too!! ^^ please take care of yourself! I will miss all of you!See you next time!!) ”

